Dopple Me

Friday, 5 July 2013

Storm Breaker Report

Storm breaker

Zooming along a highway being shot at, then skidding to a halt right under a boat, and escaping in a BMW convertible.  A scene described in both book and movie that we all enjoyed. In the last term P4 has been reading the Storm breaker book and then just yesterday we watched the movie.

The characters are Alex Rider a 14 year old school boy how turns into a secret agent for MI6. His Uncle Ian Rider an MI6 agent as well dies from an enemy of his Yassen Gregorovich Jack Starbright his kind and caring housekeeper. My favourite character is Yassen Gregorovich because he is so slick and he can go upside down from a helicopter and he saved Alex.

Alex goes on a secret mission to uncover the truth of the Storm Breaker and on his journey he goes down a mine to find what they put in the Storm Breakers. He gets caught and then takes off round the corner into the hands of Nardia Vole. He gets put in a jell fish tank…

My favourite part was when Alex and Sale where facing it off up the very top of a building when Sale has a gun pointing strait at his hart. Yassen Gregorovich turns up and all turns to disaster.
Overall I thought the book was better than the movie but it was still great. I would recommend this for adventures young teenagers who want a great read.

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